Fitness & Massage

Video - Advice for New Personal Trainers

Advice for new personal trainers
14 August 2020

Advice for new personal trainers from those who have been there and done it

During the recent lockdown we spoke to a number of experienced and successful personal trainers from different parts of the fitness industry.

We spoke to facility owners, personal training mentors, personal trainers who specialise in special populations and trainers who work with combat athletes.

3 pieces of advice that kept coming up

Have an open mind and never stop learning

The one piece of advice that came from every trainer we spoke to was to continue to learn. You will always have things to develop on, and as the industry continues to progress you'll have new kit and technology to utilise.

Learning comes in a number of forms, whether that is courses, mentorship, shadowing or learning how to use new technology.

Course may include CPD programmes like the Instructing Outdoor Fitness or Conditioning for Exercise and Sport, or adding other services to your clients such as Sports Massage Therapy.

Go and get hands on experience

The best way to learn during your first 12 months is on the gym floor. Go out and try to get experience. Experience getting clients, experience getting rejected, experience building programmes and learning how to train different clients, learn how to speak to people and build relationships with members.

Your first 12 months after qualifying are when you put all your knowledge into action and really find your feet. Stick with it, every personal trainer will say it was tough but a great learning experience.

Be yourself and do things that you believe in

A common piece of advice among the trainers was to be yourself and do something you were passionate about. This means if you want to work in a specific part of the industry, pursue that, learn the craft and really commit yourself to it.

Watch all the advice given

Check the video below that we’ve edited that has all the advice given by each trainer.

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