Version 5 – March 2025
This Policy is designed to provide information to students and staff on our appeals procedure. It recognises that students seeking qualifications that are either internally or externally assessed, have a right to seek a review of decisions that affect them. It is designed to link with students' rights and to enable learners to challenge decisions made by Vector Training LTD in a constructive and open way, this also informs the learner’s rights to appeal to other parties where appropriate.
Point of Contact and Designated Appeals Officer: Edd Draper
Contact details:
The electronic version of this policy will be readily available for learners, staff and partners via the company website under the section “Policies” ( If learners, staff or partners are unable to access electronic versions paper versions will be made available on request.
After an internal investigation has taken place, Vector Training will raise concerns with the specific awarding body/awarding organisation that the investigation relates to inform them of the incident and the process that had taken place.
Appeals may be lodged on the following grounds:
- that in the assessment or marking, the stipulated assessment procedure was not followed
- information is or was available which could have had a bearing on the assessment or mark, but which was not taken into account by the examining board/assessors or was unreasonably rejected
- Application for Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations
- Action taken against you following an investigation into malpractice and maladministration.
Appeals Against Marks/Grades Awarded By External Bodies
- Where a student is appealing against a grade or a result of an external test/examination and is an approved entry of Vector Training LTD the student must lodge the appeal through the Director. Students will be required to sign to say that they are seeking an appeal. Before processing, the appeal will require the signed support of the appropriate Head of Course and/or Director. Vector Training LTD will register the appeal with the said body and will provide the student with details of the appeals procedure, indicating appropriate time-scales, which then binds Vector Training LTD and the student. Appeals Against An Internal Assessment procedure or grading/assessment Decision
All appeals against an internal assessment or grading decision will be subject to the following staged procedure
Stage 1 – Tutor/Assessor
- The student must lodge notice of an appeal, in writing or via email, to his/her Tutor/Assessor within 5 working days of receiving the assessment/examination results, stating the grounds for the appeal. In extenuating circumstances, such as authorised illness, holiday or absence from the country, an appeal after this time would be considered
- Within the Vector Training LTD appeals procedure, the Tutor/Assessor will investigate the circumstances of the appeal and reconsider the assessment decision with reference to the assessment criteria and in consultation with the Internal Verifier.
- The Tutor/Assessor will notify the student in writing of the outcome within 5 normal working days.
- In cases where the student remains dissatisfied with the outcome of stage 1, she/he may progress the appeal to stage 2
Stage 2 – Course Leader
- The student must appeal in writing or via email, to the Course Leader within 5 normal working days of receiving notification from the Tutor/Assessor.
- After investigating all the circumstances of the appeal, consultation with the internal and external verifiers, the Course Leader will notify the student of the outcome, in writing, within 5 normal working days.
- In cases where the student remains dissatisfied with the outcome of stage 2, she/he may progress the appeal to stage 3
Stage 3 – Director
- The student must appeal in writing or via email, to the Director within 5 normal working days of receipt of the decision from stage 2.
- The Director will then convene a meeting to include the Course Leader and the Tutor to which the student will be invited and may be accompanied by a representative. The meeting will review the evidence for the appeal and the outcomes from stages 1 and 2, together with other such reports, records and assessments which may be necessary to reach a decision.
- Following the meeting, the student will be notified of the outcome, in writing, within 5 normal working days
- In cases where the student remains dissatisfied with the outcome of stage 3, she/he may progress the appeal to the final stage, stage 4.
Stage 4 - Appeal to Awarding body/Ofqual
Candidates can also complain to Ofqual, if all aspects of the centre’s internal processes have been exhausted, then they may wish to contact:-
Ofqual, Spring Place, Herald Avenue, Coventry, CV5 8BA.
Telephone: 0300 303 3344
Monitoring and Learning from Complaints:
Complaints are reviewed bi-annually to identify any trends, which may indicate a need to take further action or review processes and procedures within Vector Training LTD.
Version 5 – March 2025
1. Introduction
Vector Training LTD is committed to providing a supportive working and learning environment to enable all to achieve their goals. We strive to provide the highest quality services and to be responsive to concerns or complaints from any of our customers; whether they are of a teaching or service-related nature. Both negative and positive feedback is recognised as a valuable resource to enable us to improve the quality of our services and provision.
In order that Vector Training LTD can learn and improve because of complaints; accurate and complete records of all complaints received, resulting correspondence, interviews and actions taken will be kept. A report on complaints received and their outcomes will be submitted to the Director on a monthly basis. Complaints relating to issues with a direct impact on learners’ experience will be held for consideration to help to improve customer service throughout the business. The Director will hold an annual review of all complaints to review the effectiveness of the complaint’s procedure, with clear actions stated.
The purpose of this complaint’s procedure is to enable anyone interacting with Vector Training LTD to raise matters of concern about our services or provision to our attention so that they can be investigated and resolved in the clearest and fairest way possible. In most cases this will be achieved without having to conduct the formal complaints procedure; which should be a last resort in reaching a solution.
Point of Contact and Designated Complaints Officer: Edd Draper
Contact details:
The electronic version of this policy will be readily available for learners, staff and partners via the company website under the section “Policies” ( If learners, staff or partners are unable to access electronic versions paper versions will be made available on request.
2. What is a complaint?
The complaints procedure covers any expression of dissatisfaction or concern about:
- Provisions of Vector Training LTD affecting customers (applicants, learners, employers, stakeholders).
- Actions or lack of actions by Vector Training LTD or its staff.
- Standards of service, courses or facilities provided by Vector Training LTD.
The procedure does not cover the following:
- Matters covered by separate policies or procedures; including Appeals Procedure.
- Judgment about individual learners’ performance or awarding organisation assessment decisions
- Requests for new services or provision.
- This procedure is for use by any existing or prospective learners, employer or customer who seeks or receives a service from us. It also extends to anyone who may be directly affected by our services or activities. Anonymous complaints will be logged and monitored but not investigated under normal circumstances.
3.Confidentiality and Support
All complaints will be treated seriously, handled sensitively and with due consideration to all parties involved. In line with our equal opportunities policy, all complainants will be treated fairly and not suffer any recrimination or disadvantage as a result of making a complaint. Any person named in a complaint, however, will be informed and have a right of reply as part of the investigative process.
Complaints must be made by complainants themselves, however we recognise that some learners and vulnerable adults may have difficulties with this and so encourage them to use whatever assistance is required from a third party to make their complaint effectively.
4. Complaints Procedure
Stage 1- Informal
The complaint should be resolved early and quickly, preferably keeping it as close to the source of the problem as possible and dealing with it by informal means. By encouraging complainants to come forward with concerns at an early stage, matters can be discussed, and any misunderstandings resolved by telephone conversation, face to face meeting, email or letter to the appropriate person.
- The appropriate member of staff will respond to informal complaints within 5 days of receipt of the complaint.
- If the problem is not resolved satisfactorily at this stage, complainants should raise the matter with the Director. They will make enquiries and report back to the complainant on the outcome.
Stage 2- Formal
Vector Training LTD recognise that informal mechanisms may not resolve all problems and that some problems may be too serious or sensitive to be dealt with by raising the issue directly with the member of staff involved. In these circumstances, the formal complaints procedure should be used.
- A formal complaint should be submitted to the Director in writing or by e-mail.
- The statement of complaint should be as thorough and complete as possible and include any supporting documentation.
- The Director will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within 48 hours.
- The complaint will be investigated within 10 working days of receipt and the findings recorded.
- The complainant will receive confirmation of the outcome of investigation If the complainant is not satisfied with the response received because of Stage 2, the complaint may be taken to Stage 3 of the procedure.
Stage 3- Appeal
A copy of the complaint (with any supporting evidence) should be sent to the Director within 10 working days of receiving the Stage 2 response. The Director will hear the complaint and review the evidence. The Director will investigate the complaint, including all documentary evidence.
- The Director may seek to resolve the complaint based on the documentary evidence alone.
- Following investigation, a written response will be produced detailing whether the complaint is upheld or not and detailing action(s) necessary to resolve the issue.
- The decision of the Director is final.
If a complaint develops to appeal stage after its own internal investigation, Vector Training will raise concerns with the specific awarding body/awarding organisation that the complaint relates to.
An individual themselves may refer to CMI Complaints Procedure if they remain unsatisfied with the outcome of any complaint once all internal procedures have been followed.
Equality and Diversity
Version 3 – March 2025
Vector Training LTD ensure assessment procedures and delivery of all courses are open, fair and free from bias and meet the required standards issued by awarding bodies and that no disadvantage or advantage is accrued to any group of or individual learners.
Vector Training LTD are committed to ensuring that there are no barriers to entry or delivery of qualifications and that all qualifications are:-
- Available to everyone who can achieve the required standard
- Free from barriers which restrict access and progression
- Free from overt or covert practices
- Able to accommodate reasonable adjustments of individuals
- Free from any restrictions that are not legally required
This also includes management of access arrangements, in which Vector Training are committed to ensuring learners and staff needs are considered with correct and suitable adjustments and/or aids provided. Vector Training will inform the Awarding Body/Awarding Organisation and implement the arrangements necessary for the particular learner/staff member. These arrangements may include a scribe, recording devices, physical access requirements, word processed exams.
Point of Contact and Designated Equality Officer: Edd Draper
Contact details:
The electronic version of this policy will be readily available for learners, staff and partners via the company website under the section “Policies” ( If learners, staff or partners are unable to access electronic versions paper versions will be made available on request.
Vector Training LTD are committed to Equality and Diversity. Vector Training LTD takes Equality and Diversity very seriously as part of our learner-centered ethos. This is as true in the classroom as it is in workplace, and we take steps to support our learners to protect their individuality and to promote respect for all. Our policies ensure that no learner involved in our organization receives less favorable treatment on the grounds of their:-
- Age
- Gender
- Sexual orientation
- Religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
- Disability
- Culture
- Background
- Being or becoming a transsexual person
- Relationship status including being married or in a civil partnership
- Being pregnant or on maternity leave
- Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
- Or any other identifiable discriminatory cause
At Vector Training LTD, we do not judge or discriminate against people based on gender, race, sexuality, faith, economic background or any other recognised protected characteristic. With this in mind, we expect that our learners are similarly open to equality and diversity.
Vector Training LTD comply to all legislation, regulations and guidelines within Equality and Diversity including:-
The Equality Act 2010 that now encompasses:
- The Equal Pay Act 1970
- The Sex Discrimination Act 1975
- The Race Relations Act 1976
- The Disability Discrimination Act 1995
- The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
- The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
- The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
- The Equality Act 2010 part 2
- The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007
- The Gender Recognition Act 2004
- The Sex Discrimination Act (Amendment) Regulations 2008
Vector Training LTD staff are always on hand to provide information, advice and guidance.
All learners, employers and staff accept a commitment to implement the equal opportunities policy. Learners and Staff must adhere to the policy and display sensitivity towards each of these distinctions and acting at all times without prejudice. Upon enrolment learners commencing training are made fully aware of our equal opportunities policy.
Senior leadership also adhere to this policy when recruiting and hiring staff, ensuring that those hired are done so on aptitude and ability only, ensuring no one is discriminated in any way that would fall under the Acts outlined above.
Version 4 – March 2025
1. Introduction
This policy is to protect the integrity of qualifications and of Vector Training LTD. Vector Training LTD will take steps to identify and minimise the risk of malpractice by staff or learners, and we respond to any incident of alleged malpractice promptly, objectively and fairly.
This policy is to outline actions that should be taken in the event that any malpractice and/or maladministration is identified by Vector Training LTD, and actions that awarding bodies may need to address.
According to JCQ guidelines for “Suspected Malpractice in Examinations and Assessments”; “Malpractice which includes maladministration and non-compliance, means any act, default or practice which is a breach of regulations or which:
- Compromises, attempts to compromise, or may compromise the process of assessment, the integrity of any qualification or the validity of a result or certificate and / or
- Damages the authority, reputation or credibility of any awarding body or centre or any officer, employee or agent of any awarding body or centre.”
Any allegation or instance of malpractice must be reported to the appropriate Awarding body immediately and failure to do so is itself malpractice.
Each case of suspected malpractice and maladministration will be considered on an individual basis, however, until the matter has been investigated, qualifications will not usually be processed to prevent potential further adverse effect.
This policy covers actual or suspected malpractice or maladministration perpetrated by learners, Vector Training LTD, or Awarding body members of staff.
Vector Training adheres to the codes of conduct outlined by each Awarding body/awarding organisation that it uses, and adheres to following such guidelines in the case of an investigation into malpractice and/or maladministration.
Point of Contact and Designated Malpractice/Maladmin Officer: Edd Draper
Contact details:
The electronic version of this policy will be readily available for learners, staff and partners via the company website under the section “Policies” ( If learners, staff or partners are unable to access electronic versions paper versions will be made available on request.
2. Prevention of Malpractice
Vector Training LTD will seek to avoid potential malpractice by:
- Explaining roles and responsibilities of learners in the learning and assessment process; and unacceptable practice
- Informing learners of the potential penalties for attempted and actual incidents of malpractice
- Showing learners the appropriate formats to acknowledge sources and record cited texts / other materials and information sources
- Asking learners to declare that their work is their own
3. Examples of malpractice / maladministration
At learner / candidate level:
Cheating is an attempt to deceive assessors or examiners. It includes but is not restricted to situations when the student is in an examination situation and:
- Communicates or attempts to communicate with a fellow candidate or individual who is not the invigilator or a member of staff
- Copies or attempts to copy from a fellow candidate
- Attempts to introduce or consult during the examination any unauthorised printed or written material, or electronic, calculation or information storage devices Impersonates another or allows him or herself to be impersonated.
- Presenting another learners’ work as their own or plagiarism from external sources.
- Taking unauthorised materials into an examination room.
- Impersonating other candidates, or allowing themselves to be impersonated during an assessment or colluding in the act of impersonation.
- Obtaining, receiving, exchanging, or passing on information related to an assessment or examination, taking place by; talking, written paper or notes or any information passed on by electronic means.
- Unauthorised access to any awarding body assessment or examination paper.
- Failure to follow the instructions of the invigilator.
- Claiming false accreditation of prior learning
Plagiarism is the theft or use of someone else’s work without proper acknowledgement, presenting the material as if it were one’s own. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence and the consequences are severe.
Staff level:
- Allowing candidates access to previous assessments or examination papers without approval.
- Photocopying assessments or examination papers without approval.
- Changing the date of an assessment/examination without approval.
- Obtaining unauthorised access to assessment material prior to an assessment or examination.
- Assisting or prompting students with answers.
- Failing to keep completed assessments or examination scripts secure.
- Failing to send completed assessments or examination scripts to Awarding bodies on the prescribed day.
- Failing to supply an appropriate invigilator i.e. with no knowledge of the subject being assessed / examined.
- Failing to complete internal assessment, failing to record results in the prescribed way, failing to return completed work in accordance with awarding body regulations.
- Failing to conduct internal assessment using agreed assessment criteria.
- Failing to adhere to security regulations.
- Failing to comply with minimum Guided Learning Hours.
- Failing to comply with assessment or examination regulations, procedures or guidance documents.
- Allowing learners to access unauthorised materials during an assessment.
At Awarding Organisation level:
- Providing coaching or training to training providers and / or candidates using material from confidential external assessments
- Allowing certification on the basis of incomplete or incorrect assessment records
- Assisting or prompting students with answers.
- Failing to comply with awarding organisation regulations and procedures.
- Failing to keep assessments and examination paper contents secure.
- Failing to keep logins and database contents secure e.g. Data Protection Act.
- Failing to send results and paperwork in accordance with policies and procedures.
- Failing to keep assessment records, scripts and other materials secure.
- Failing to send papers and other assessments to assessors in accordance with policies and procedures.
- Failure of assessors, examiners and verifiers to retain, provide and return documents in accordance with policies and procedures.
- Failing to attend to operational requirements in accordance with policies and procedures.
- Showing a consistent lack of punctuality.
- Inappropriate correspondence with centres and prospective centres.
Suspected Malpractice at Centre or Learner level
If Vector Training LTD has reason to believe that malpractice or maladministration has occurred:
- Vector Training LTD will report the occurrence to the Awarding bodies Quality Assurance team as soon as practicable. Where applicable, Vector Training LTD staff may notify the Awarding body through their Whistle Blowing Policy.
- The accused should be made fully aware of any breach of the Awarding bodies regulations in writing as soon as possible, with the possible consequences of their alleged actions.