What is a pre and post-natal fitness qualification?
This is a specialist qualification relating to training pre and post-natal clients and is vital for those who want to expand their knowledge and services to effectively train these types of clients.
To train pre and post-natal clients, fitness professionals must have a recognised qualification in addition to their personal training or fitness qualification. Training pre and post-natal clients is briefly covered on a personal training course under “special populations” but this only scratches the surface of the topic and does not mean a qualified PT is skilled to safely train pre and post-natal clients.
This is also a requirement for insurance and employment purposes.
There are a few variations of the pre and post-natal qualification, with slightly different qualification titles, but all similar in providing the skills and knowledge to train clients effectively. At Vector, we deliver the Focus Awards Level 3 Award in Developing for Pre and Post-Natal Exercise Sessions.
Below we have provided an overview on the course by breaking down each unit and outlining the core knowledge you will develop, and how our course is delivered in partnership with female specialist facility Sigma Women.

Unit 1: Exercise and the pre and post-natal client
The aim of this unit is to provide the learners with knowledge and understanding of the benefits of exercise for pre and post-natal clients.
Learners will understand the stages of pregnancy and the effects of exercise at each stage of pregnancy. This includes how specific exercises can help or hinder each trimester, including contraindications and guidelines for when to refer a pre and post-natal client to a fellow professional.
This unit also covers wider topics relating to pre and post-natal clients, including barriers they may encounter when exercising and how to provide strategies to clients to support their health, including sources of nutrition important for clients as well as nutrition to avoid.
How is this unit assessed?
This unit is assessed via a written assignment.
Unit 2: Plan exercise for pre and post-natal clients
The aim of this unit is to provide the learners with knowledge of planning exercise for pre and post-natal clients.
Learners will understand which exercises are appropriate to use when planning pre and post-natal sessions. The key part of this unit is learning practically, and understanding the unique teaching points needed and adaptations you may consider with pre and post-natal clients.
During this unit, you will also learn the exercises that are not recommended for pre and post-natal clients, which is equally as important to understanding the exercises that are appropriate.
Learners will understand how to effectively gather information that will enable them to safely plan and sequence exercise sessions for pre and post-natal clients.
How is this unit assessed?
This unit is assessed by completing a client case study that includes designing suitable exercise sessions for pre and postnatal clients.

Delivered on the gym floor
Although many pre and post-natal courses are delivered solely online, our course is delivered via a blended approach, with learners combining 2 in-person practical workshops with online support.
As with all courses at Vector Training, we focus on the practical skills you need to develop to train clients to the best of your ability. Learners will engage with a mix of theory and practicals on each day of the course.
Our course takes place at a specialist facility, Sigma Women in Warrington, with FFA co-owner, Claire Gregory delivering the course.
Claire is a leading personal trainer and rehabilitation specialist who works with a number of different female clients, including delivering specific exercise programmes for pre and post-natal groups from her facility.
The environment is the perfect setting for learners to develop the skills to be able to safely and effectively train pre and post-natal clients through the specific equipment and tools at the facility, as well as the expert tutelage from Claire.
Looking to develop your skills and train pre and postnatal clients effectively?
Read more here to find out how we deliver the qualification at leading specialist female training centre Sigma Women.